Build up productivity momentum early

Working from home is certainly a great experience, and simply put not for everyone.  I tend to feel cruddy when I get distracted and am not giving a full day of effort.   Last week I got stuck in a rut where I was more distracted than I demand of myself.  I started a massive open online course (MOOC) a few weeks back and started getting distracted by this and letting it leak into my desired professional time (roughly 8am to 5pm).  Lucky for me, I am able to see this in my daily reports and jumped on attempting to do something about it before it became a major issue.

Tending to wake up and start working between 8am and 9am, and wanting to start a little earlier like 7am, I took measures to push me into making the first hour or two the most productive I can make it.  Setting up a few alerts on my RescueTime account has helped drastically.  The first alert is triggered once I’ve spent approximately 1 to 2 minutes on the computer, it greets me with a “Good Morning” and encourages me to get something awesome done today.  It also automatically starts a 15 minute FocusTime session to get the gears spinning in the right direction.


The next two alerts I set up as a goal to monitor how well I am doing over time.  They run on a filter from Monday to Friday between 7am and 10am.  They will trigger once I spend 1 hour of time on productive activities and a challenging 2 hours of time on productive activities.  So far since starting this I have been able to reach the 1 hour productive goal, but since I am still waking between 8am and 9am, I haven’t yet been able to hit the 2 hour productive goal but am looking forward to continuing to try.

What I have found, is that spending the first hour or two in a really productive state, it actually carries you throughout the rest of the day.  It acts like momentum, helping you plow through distractions like the stone above.


Software engineer at RescueTime, helping people be aware how they spend their time. Do you really want to spend 1/3 of your day in e-mail?

One comment

  1. That’s pretty great. I use a variation of the “good morning, now get focused” alert as well and it really helps me start the day off on a good note.

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